DIE KOLLISION IST UNAUSWEICHLICH UND DIE FOLGEN UNVERMEIDBAR! Ein Cross-over zwischen 4 verschiedenen Universen! Spiele mit den Charakteren von BlazBlue, Persona, Under Night In-Birth und (zum ersten Mal in einem Kampfspiel) RWBY!
[Tactics] Cleared Basics section.
[Tactics] Cleared Applied section.
[Tactics] Completed all of one character.
[Tactics] Cleared one mission.
[Training] Used the command record, playback function.
[Traning] Opened the command list.
[Episode] Cleared Episode: BB.
[Episode] Cleared Episode: P4A.
[Episode] Cleared Episode: UNI.
[Episode] Cleared Episode: RWBY.
[VS] Won on normal difficulty.
[Survival] Won more than 5 times.
[Gallery] Opened an Event CG from Episode Mode.
[Gallery] Played the credits.
[Entrance] Used 100,000P$ at the Item Shop.
[Customize] Changed Plate, Icon, and Title.
[Customize] Changed avatars.
[Network] Won in a ranked lobby.
[Network] Reached a Silver Rank
[Network] Won in a Room Match.
[Network] Used a stamp in Online Lobby.
[Network] Used a motion in Online Lobby.
[Network] Won in an Online Lobby match.
[Network] Used auto-fill message in Online Lobby.
[Network] Saw a player's info in Online Lobby