Kontrolliere einen Schwarm aus 32.000 Drohnen in diesem Strategie-Abenteuer! Du springst in den Weiten des Weltraums von System zu System und kämpfst auf Deiner Suche nach der Neuen Erde gegen mächtige Alienflotten.
Finished the Tutorial
Finished End Mission in Chapter 1
Finished End Mission in Chapter 2
Finished End Mission in Chapter 3
Finished End Mission in Chapter 4
Played through the game
Finished 6 Missions without losing Argo health.
Finished 10 Missions without losing Argo health.
Finished 20 Missions without losing Argo health.
All Argo Upgrades unlocked
All Swarm Upgrades unlocked
Didn't use any attack paths in an encounter.
Destroyed 1 Ship with it's own weapons.
Destroyed 5 Ships with their own weapons.
All Enemies were destroyed through environmental hazards.
Destroyed 1 Ship as it warped in.
Destroyed 5 Ships as they warped in.
Destroyed 10 Ships as they warped in.
Caught 3 Ships in a wall at the same time.
Caught 7 Ships in a wall at the same time.
Destroyed 3 Ships in quick succession.
Destroyed 7 Ships in quick succession.
Did 32.000 Damage in one Second.
Used only 2 or less Physical paths to retrieve the container in System Myst.