Lüfte in einem First-Person-Einzelspieler-Abenteuer eines der größten Geheimnisse der Geschichte. Wir schreiben das Jahr 1937. Finstere Kräfte suchen in aller Welt nach dem Schlüssel zu einer uralten Macht, die mit dem Großen Kreis in Verbindung steht. Nur einer kann sie aufhalten: Indiana Jones™.
ActionBring all radio frequencies to Gina.
Return all Lost Artifacts.
Photograph Ernesto.
Learn 10 abilities from Adventure books.
Learn an ability from an Adventure book.
Learn all abilities from Adventure books.
Defeat all boxing champions.
Collect 50 Journal notes.
Collect all Journal notes in the game.
Clobber an enemy with a guitar.
Hit an enemy with a fly swatter.
Hit an enemy with an apple.
Push an enemy off a ledge.
Disarm an enemy with your whip and then use his weapon to knock him out.
Knock out an enemy using only counters.
Dodge a power punch.
Eat a Cornetto.
Eat an Aish Baladi Bread.
Eat a Star Fruit.
Revisit a location.
Capture 50 Photographs for your Journal.