Finde die besten Routen und eine Balance aus Kraft, Tempo und Präzision, um Hindernisse am Steuer eines UTV, ATV oder Rock Bouncers zu überwinden. Im Einzel- und Multiplayermodus wird dein Talent und die Wahl der Technik den Unterschied ausmachen.
Earn promotion from Division 2 to Division 1.
Finish in first place in the season's standings and Division 1 finals.
Finish first in all the main event races of a single season.
Purchase all vehicles in Career mode.
Purchase all tire types in Career mode.
Purchase all suspension types in Career mode.
Purchase all miscellaneous add-ons in Career mode.
Fully upgrade the engine on your first vehicle.
Fully upgrade the engine on all vehicles.
Fully upgrade the transmission on your first vehicle.
Fully upgrade the transmission on all vehicles.
Fully upgrade the cage on your first vehicle.
Fully upgrade the cage on all vehicles.
Scout and hire your first staff member.
Fire your first staff member.
Scout and hire your first staff member of the highest quality.
Complete your first sponsor objective.
Complete your first main sponsor objective.
Complete 5 sponsor objectives.
Complete 10 sponsor objectives.
Complete 20 sponsor objectives.
Unlock all skills in the skill tree.
Finish in first place in all races.
Finish in first place in all Baja Desert races.
Finish in first place in all Tennessee races.
Finish in first place in all Johnson Valley races.
Finish in first place in all Utah Desert races.
Finish in first place in all Western European races.