Im Polizeihubschrauber Simulator bekommst du jetzt die Möglichkeit, den Berufsalltag einer Hubschrauberstaffel hautnah mit zu erleben.
Apron entered for the first time.
Nuclear powerplant reached for the first time.
Vissabon reached for the first time.
Höhenhausen reached for the first time.
Paderbonn reached for the first time.
Brunsdorf reached for the first time.
Biderfeld reached for the first time.
Arnsdorf reached for the first time.
Jagdfeld reached for the first time.
Wesental reached for the first time.
Waterpark reached for the first time.
Amusement park reached for the first time.
Stadium reached for the first time.
Sport airfield reached for the first time.
Airport reached for the first time.
Race track reached for the first time.
Opencast mine reached for the first time.
Reach rank 2.
Reach rank 3.
Reach rank 4.
Reach rank 5.