Feuchtgebiete für Rocket League: Aquadome-DLC veröffentlicht - Patch-Notes
Sie erinnert ein bisschen an Rapture aus BioShock, die neue Aquadome-Arena in Rocket League. Psyonix hat den kostenlosen DLC jetzt veröffentlicht.
Wasser Marsch! Seit heute ist die Aquadome-Arena in Rocket League befahrbar. Beim Aquadome handelt es sich um eine Unterwasserkuppel im Meer. Korallen, Quallen, Seetang und Fische, die euch beim Zocken zuschauen - das volle Paket für Unterwassersportler! Die schöne Optik hat anscheinend ihren Preis. So mancher Spieler hat sich bereits über Performance-Einbrüche auf der Map beklagt.
Das Aquadome-Paket umfasst jedoch noch mehr als nur die Arena. Neu sind beispielsweise die Antennen Dreizack und Harpune oder frische Fahrzeugspuren. Wer ein paar Euros locker macht, kann zwei neue Fahrzeuge in seiner Garage einparken: Den Proteus und den Trion gibt's für jeweils 1,99€ im Shop. Der Road Hog und der Hotshot waren in Psyonix' Tuning-Werkstatt: Beide sind überarbeitet worden. Der Hersteller kommentiert die Modifizierungen: "Um ehrlich zu sein wollten wir schon seit längerer Zeit die Wagen stromlinienförmiger machen und wir sind froh darüber, die alten Modelle endlich ersetzt zu haben."
Patch-Notes: So verändert sich Rocket League mit dem Aquadome-DLC
All-new AquaDome Arena has been added to all Playlists.
- DLC Battle-cars "Proteus" and "Triton" are available for purchase in the Premium Showroom.
- "Champions Crate III" has been added to the post-game drop table.
- Updated "Cosmic" and "Octagon" arenas have been added to the "Rocket Labs" playlist.
Complete list below...
- All-new "AquaDome" arena has been added to all casual and competitive playlists.
- Added "Uncommon" Antennas
- Harpoon
- Trident
- Seastar
- Added "Community Flags"
Added "Proteus" DLC Battle-Car, including...
- (DLC) Six new Decals:
- (DLC) Crash Dive
- (DLC) Cuttle Time
- (DLC) Fathom
- (DLC) Ladybug
- (DLC) Stripes
- (DLC) Tiger Shark
- (DLC) Six new Decals:
Added "Triton" DLC Battle-Car, including...
- (DLC) Six new Decals:
- (DLC) Daddy-O
- (DLC) Fugu
- (DLC) Makai
- (DLC) Modus Bestia
- (DLC) Ragnarok
- (DLC) Stripes
- (DLC) Six new Decals:
- Added "Very Rare" Rocket Trails
- Ink
- Treasure
- Added "Rare" Topper
- Clamshell
- Added "Rare" Wheels
- Asterias
- Zeta
The following Wheels can now drop with the Painted attribute:
- Alchemist
- Almas
- Dieci
- Falco
- Invader
- Neptune
- Octavian
- Spyder
- Stern
- Veloce
- Vortex
Added seven new “AquaDome” Achievements…
- GG - Win the MVP award in a game that goes to overtime.
- Trifecta - Score a goal, save a shot, and assist a teammate all in a single game.
- Infinite Power! - Activate every power-up in Rocket League Rumble.
- Stopped Cold - Freeze an opponent's shot before it can score.
- Sea Turtle - Head to AquaDome Map and score a goal while flipped on your back.
- Get Up, Mr. Bubbles! - Equip the Bubbles Rocket Trail and Score an Aerial goal, while playing in AquaDome Map.
- Rocket Genocider - Make 535 Shots on Goal.
- "Champions Crate III" series can now be found rarely after online matches.
- The new Crate features all-new items including the "Breakout Type-S" Import Body.
- The "Road Hog" and "Hotshot" Battle-Cars have received a visual upgrade.
- Hotshot’s handling and hitbox have been standardized against similar cars (Dominus, Breakout).
- Road Hog is unchanged aside from the visual updates.
- Rumble Mode has received a few balance adjustments to the Spike power-up.
- The Plunger and Haymaker power-ups can now affect a ball attached to a player by spikes. They do not detach the ball from the player, but can disrupt the ball’s trajectory and take the player with it.
- Players using the Spike power-up with an attached ball are now slightly less agile than before.
- The “Cosmic” arena in the “Rocket Labs” playlist has been updated.
- Goals have increased in size to be consistent with other arenas.
- Walls are now standard (vertically straight) instead of angled.
- The bottom wall curves touching the floor are now standardized with other maps.
- The top wall curves touching the ceiling are now standardized with other maps.
- Ceiling height has been reduced.
- The “Octagon” arena in the “Rocket Labs” playlist has been updated.
- The “corners” between wall sections are now smoother to make it easier to push the ball around the wall curves.
- The bottom wall curves touching the floor near the goals have been adjusted to better match standard map layouts.
- Fixed an issue in Rumble mode with the Magnetizer and Spike power-ups that caused statistics for Ball Touches to be artificially increased.
- Fixed an issue in Rumble mode that caused goals to be incorrectly credited after a player touched the ball with the Magnetizer or Spike power-ups.
Source: http://www.rocketleaguegame.com/news/patch-notes-v124/