Schleiche dich hinter die feindlichen Linien in diesem ultimativen Militär-Shooter! Wähle deinen eigenen Weg in dieser erbarmungslosen offenen Welt, um deine Missionen abzuschließen.
Complete Prologue
Complete First Act
Complete Second Act
Complete Third Act
Complete Fourth Act
Neutralize 25% the Most Wanted list in one playthrough
Neutralize 50% targets from the Most Wanted list in one playthrough
Neutralize 75% targets from the Most Wanted list in one playthrough
Neutralize 100% from the Most Wanted list in one playthrough
Complete all Side-Ops on Dam in one playthrough
Complete all Side-Ops on Mining Town in one playthrough
Complete all Side-Ops on Village in one playthrough
Unlock all Primary Weapons
Unlock all Secondary Weapons
Own all Sidearms
Use Crafting for the first time
Craft item from each category at least once
Find 25% Collectibles in one playthrough
Find 50% Collectibles in one playthrough
Find all Collectibles in one playthrough
Complete 5 Point of Interest in one playthrough
Complete 10 Point of Interest in one playthrough
Complete 20 Point of Interest in one playthrough
Hunt and collect 150 Organic Samples in one playthrough
Kill an Enemy with a Sniper Rifle shooting through a wall
Kill 20 Enemy Snipers in one playthrough
Distract 30 Enemies with Luring Bullet in one playthrough
Tag 30 Enemies with Tagging Bullets in one playthrough
Do 25 Stealth kills in one playthrough
Do 15 Interrogations in one playthrough
Unlock all Drone modules
Tag 10 Enemies with the CCTV in one playthrough
Survive 500 hits in one playthrough
Kill 20 Enemies from above in one playthrough
Kill 25 Enemies while driving in one playthrough
Do a headshot from 500 meters using scope 10x
Fly 5 km with your Drone in one playthrough
Move 1 km crouching in one playthrough
Run 10 km in one playthrough
Drive 100 km in one playthrough
Kill 3 Enemies with 1 bullet
Unlock all Achievements
Do a short distance Sniper Rifle kill
Drone destroyed by Enemies
Drone destroyed by Traps
Open the Loot Box on the Island
Kill an Enemy from a 500 meters distance.
Kill 5 Enemies from below in one playthrough