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Stellaris Steam Key


Erkunde eine riesige Galaxies voller Wunder! Paradox Development Studio, die Macher von Crusader Kings und Europa Universalis präsentieren Stellaris, eine Evolution des Grand-Strategy-Genres, in deren Fokus die Erkundung des Weltalls steht.

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12. Mai 2016 – TomGPGP Team

Wenn Stellaris abstürzt: Hotfixes killen Bugs

Wenn bei euch Stellaris öfter mal wegen eines Programmfehlers abstürzt, ihr Probleme mit Wurmlöchern oder ganz allgemein eine miese Performance zu beklagen habt, dann könnten Hotfix 1.0.1 oder jetzt - ganz neu - Hotfix 1.0.2 die Rettung sein. Die Updates dürften jetzt allen Stellaris-Spielern zur Verfügung stehen. Paradox klärt über die Inhalte der Hotfixes im Forum auf:

Stellaris-Patch 1.0.2

  • Fixed exploits in species customization which allowed players ignore limits to trait and ethic points etc.
  • Improved performance for war demands view
  • 'Hostile fleet detected' is now only shown when the fleet is heading towards one of your colonized systems, preventing massive spam in large wars.
  • UI fixes in server browser
  • It is now possible to connect directly to a server id
  • Fixed CTD when renaming sectors
  • Fixed CTD when fleets were traveling too far away from the galaxy center
  • Fixed CTD when a country was destroyed as a result of combat
  • Fixed CTD caused by ships shooting at ships that are not visible
  • Fixed an issue where you could not build space ports with some screen resolutions
  • It is no longer possible to build robot pops on uncolonized planets
  • Game pads are now turned off by default as this caused stuttering on some configurations. Game pads can be enabled again with the -gamepad launch option or the "gamepad" console command

Stellaris-Patch 1.0.1

  • Fixed CTD when showing tooltip for an ambient object that gets destroyed
  • Fixed CTD when an ambient object gets destroyed while selected
  • Fixed fleets getting stuck trying to use wormhole stations belonging to other empires
  • Improved performance issues and fixed issues with stuttering in early game

Source: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php

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Shortlink: https://gplnk.com/45127