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Erkunde eine riesige Galaxies voller Wunder! Paradox Development Studio, die Macher von Crusader Kings und Europa Universalis präsentieren Stellaris, eine Evolution des Grand-Strategy-Genres, in deren Fokus die Erkundung des Weltalls steht.

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17. Mai 2016 – TomGPGP Team

Paradox stellt ausführliche Update-Pläne für Stellaris vor

Für Paradox Interactive sind Game-Updates offenbar immer wie die Geburt eines Kindes. Zukünftig soll jeder Patch für Stellaris einen richtigen Namen bekommen - und zwar jeweils den eines Science-Fiction-Autors. Update 1.1 kommt Ende Mai zur Welt und wird auf den Namen "Clarke" getauft (2001: Odyssee im Weltraum). Damit knöpft sich Paradox vorwiegend Bugs vor und feilt an KI und der Benutzerführung.

  • Fixes to the Ethic Divergence and Convergence issues. Currently, Pops tend to get more and more neutral (they lose Ethics, but rarely gain new ones.)
  • The End of Combat Summary. This screen looks bad and also doesn’t tell you what you need to know in order to revise your ship designs, etc.
  • Sector Management GUI: There are many issues with this, and we will try to get most of them fixed.
  • Diplomacy GUI issues. This includes the Diplomatic Pop-Ups when other empires contact you, but also more and better looking Notifications, and more informative tooltips on wars, etc.
  • AI improvements: Notably the Sector AI, but also plenty of other things. This kind of work is never “finished”…
  • Myriads of bug fixes and smaller GUI improvements.
  • Late game crises bugs. There were some nasty bugs in there, blocking certain subplots and various surprising developments.

Auf Clarke folgt im Juni der Patch Asimov (Nightfall, Der Aufbruch zu den Sternen) mit Fokus auf Script-Elementen und dem Ausbau der Diplomatie.

  • Border Access Revision: Borders are now open to your ships by default, although empires can choose to Close their borders for another empire (lowering your relations, of course.)
  • Tributaries: New diplomatic status and corresponding war goals.
  • Joint Declarations of War: You can ask other empires to join you for a temporary alliance in a war against a specific target.
  • Defensive Pacts.
  • Harder to form and maintain proper Alliances.
  • More war goals: Humiliate, Open Borders, Make Tributary, etc.
  • Emancipation Faction. We had to cut this one at the last minute. Needs redesign.
  • Diplomatic Map Mode. Much requested!
  • Diplomatic Incidents: This is a whole class of new scripted events that causes more interaction with the other empires.

Darauf folgend will Paradox mit einem dritten Update das Zusammenspiel der Fraktionen und Kampfmechaniken überarbeiten:

  • Sector and Faction Politics: We are working on a design for this. I always wanted to make Factions more closely tied to Sectors, for example…
  • Federation and Alliance Politics: As a player, you need more ways of interacting with the other members, push your will through, and get elected, etc.
  • Giving Directions to Allies and Subject States.
  • Strategic Resource Overhaul: You should need these and search for them far and wide. They should be extremely important.
  • Battleship Class Weapons. Some Battleship front sections will be repurposed for an XL size weapon slot. There are currently four ship sizes but only three sizes to weapons, creating an imbalance. Also, Battleships should have fewer small weapon slots and have to rely on screens of smaller ships.
  • Fleet Combat Mechanics: Formations and/or more complex ship behavior is needed.
  • Mid-game scripted content: Guarded “treasures”, mid-game crises, colony events, etc.
  • Living Solar Systems: Little civilian ships moving around, etc.

Source: http://www.4players.de/4players.php/spielinfonews/Allgemein/37005/2158567/Stellaris-Details_zum_kommenden_Update_11_und_weiteren_Plaenen.html

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