Befehligt ein Schiff aus dem 'Segelzeitalter' mitsamt seiner Mannschaft, erforscht eine große, Geschichten-gefüllte Welt die auf eure Handlungen reagiert. Greift feindliche Schiffe, Befestigungen und Seemonster in brutalen taktischen Gefechten an, das ganze in Szene gesetzt in einem Kunststil der...
Escape the Cult Fortress.
Survive your first encounter with a Kraken.
Reach the first port.
Don't drink too much and go to bed as soon as possible.
Drink until you can't take it any more.
Reach the Grand Library in Landfall.
Acquire the tools to defeat the Kraken.
Defeat the Kraken at Pullmans Cove.
Acquire the plans by capturing a Cult command ship.
Acquire an icebreaker.
Reach beyond the ice sheet.
Escape the Frozen Wastes.
Discover what happened to the Redoubt.
Interrogate the ex-Cultists at the Pit.
Defend the Slumbering Giant.
Survive the Battle of Devilrock.
Achieve the good ending in the Main Story on Iron Captain mode.
Discover the fate of your sister.
Win the Combat Campaign with a spare port visit.
Win the Combat Campaign on the highest difficulty.
Complete the Haunted Seas campaign.
Complete the music puzzles in Reaper's Score in either the main game or the Haunted Seas campaign.
Get promoted to the second rank in the Cult Campaign (doesn't count via Quick-Start).
Get promoted to the third rank in the Cult Campaign.
Get promoted to the fourth rank in the Cult Campaign.
Complete the Cult Campaign.
Win your first battle controlling a Kraken.
Rebuild five islands in your home base.
Complete Freeplay mode by rebuilding your entire home base and defending it from usurpers.
Successfully defend the island village from a Cult slave raid in Gentleswell.
One way or another, lift the curse from Duskvale.
Get gifted a Plague Dart from Rotholme.
Fulfill Aldous Spiderbane's legacy.
Help the captain in Hell's Stench.
Obtain a Spider Egg Launcher from Barak.
Return Charles to Beatrice - alive.
Survive Mother's Grasp.
Do your best to help the Silk Collectors in Hawthorn's Trap.
Rescue the shipwrecked crew from Ship Bone Isle.
Conclude all business with the Necromancer.
Help the Skin Merchants gain a new leader.
Scale the cliffs of Icewall with Sigismund.
Help retrieve Desmond's notes from The Spine.
In either the Main Story or Freeplay, enter and return from the Haunted Seas.
Obtain the Snake Venom Gun.
Help the inhabitants of Crawford.
Explore the tower at the centre of the desert in the Dead Lands.
Defeat 50 Cult vessels in combat.
Defeat 10 vessels in combat.
Defeat 25 vessels in combat.
Defeat 50 vessels in combat.
Defeat 100 vessels in combat.
Defeat 250 vessels in combat.
Kill 100 enemy crew in combat.
Collect a total of 10,000 supplies (across all game modes).
Collect a total of 100,000 gold (across all game modes).
Make 50 friends.
Make 25 enemies.
Survive being stranded or in a lifeboat.
Defeat a mutiny.
Reach the highest wanted level.
Free a convict from a prison in port.
Surrender crew to the authorities to reduce your wanted level.
Purchase a Man O War.
Have an upgrade in every slot, and complete every ship section upgrade.
Defeat 25 factions.
Defeat 25 Sea Forts.
Visit every exploration map (main story only).
Kill all the crew of an enemy ship without boarding it.
Kill a haliprhon before it reaches your ship.
Drown an enemy crew by cutting the winch while they're overboard.
Harpoon an enemy ship 5 times.
Use the Gargoyles on an enemy ship 5 times.
Successfully use the Anti-Ram on enemy vessels 5 times.
Start a battle with your hull health in the red but still win.
Knock 50 enemy crew overboard.
Defeat an enemy after they offered you the chance to surrender, but you refused to give in.
Break free from the Far Haven Assassins.
Acquire the visual blueprint of the legendary Fireblade.
Discover the SENTRY Visual Blueprint in the Haunted Seas standalone campaign.