ABRISS ist ein atmosphärisches Physik-Zerstörungs-Bauspiel.Baue Strukturen aus Teilen und lass sie in deine Ziele krachen. Schalte neue Bauteile frei, zerstöre noch mehr, erlebe Entropie in ihrer schlimmsten Form in digital-brutalistischen Stadtlandschaften. Baue, um zu zerstören!
Destroy over 100 blocks
Destroy over 500 blocks
Destroy over 1000 blocks
Destroy over 5000 blocks
Destroy over 10.000 blocks
Destroy over 50.000 blocks
Destroy over 100.000 blocks
Build over 10 parts
Build over 100 parts
Build over 500 parts
Build over 1000 parts
Build over 10.000 parts
Build over 20.000 parts
Play the intro
Complete world 1
Complete world 1 with all levels having both destruction and move awards
Complete world 2
Complete world 2 with all levels having both destruction and move awards
Complete world 3
Complete world 3 with all levels having both destruction and move awards
Complete world 4
Complete world 4 with all levels having both destruction and move awards
Complete world 5
Complete world 5 with all levels having both destruction and move awards
Won all Levels
Complete all levels having both destruction and move awards
Unlock the ultra heavy cube
Unlock the heavy pillar
Unlock the connector
Unlock the heavy beam
Unlock the rotator
Unlock the bomb
Unlock the cannon
Unlock the laser
Unlock the thruster
Unlocked hinge
Unlocked the magnet
Used turnaround GIF camera
Used photo mode
Saved a Construct
Loaded a Construct
Unlocked the Impulsor
Complete world 6
Complete world 6 with all levels having both destruction and move awards
Unlocked the turbine