Lass dich entführen in Adam's Venture: Origins. Auf dem Hintergrund der Goldenen Zwanzigerjahre erkundest du in Adam’s Venture: Origins uralte Ruinen und findest geheimnisvolle Artefakte. Gemeinsam mit deiner treuen Gefährtin Evelyn musst du das skrupellose Clairvaux-Unternehmen zur Strecke bringen.
You've teamed up with Evelyn.
You found a secret passage.
The adventure begins.
Take the leap of faith.
You always find a way back!
You opened the gate of Eden.
You escaped!
You've restored the water supply.
You saved the temple mount.
You've saved the world from a religious war.
You found Solomon's treasure.
You've found the location of Eden.