Amberial Dreams ist ein sich weiterentwickelnder, auf 2D-Physik basierender Präzisionsplattformer.
Complete the Tutorial.
Create a new level in the Atelier.
Collect 20 Suns.
Collect 15 Wings.
Collect 10 Moons.
Find the roundabout way back to the Forge Fantastic
Finish the Hall of Danger
Collect 40 Suns.
Finish the Depths of Despair (Prologue)
Play a game in the Arcade
Collect 100 Suns (across all campaigns)
Collect 80 Wings (across all campaigns)
Collect 60 Moons (across all campaigns)
Collect all Suns in Community Pioneers
Complete "Primordial Dream" in less than 6 seconds
Conclude the story in "Amber's Descent"
Complete "Welcome to the Forge" while only pressing right
Complete "Wandering Dance" pressing only left
Get stuck under Twinkle Drift's leftmost platform