In diesem charmanten Couch-Quizspiel für 1-8 Spieler, das auf der beliebten Fernsehserie basiert, musst du dich mehr als 6800 Fragen in englischer Sprachausgabe stellen. Beweise, wie viel du noch aus der Schule weißt und dass du tatsächlich schlauer bist als ein Fünftklässler.
Play "Exam" Mode.
Beat "Exam" Mode.
Beat "Exam" Mode without using any cheats.
Play "Study" Mode with exactly 1 player.
Play "Study" Mode with more than 1 player.
Play "Study" Mode with the maximum number of 8 players.
Get an overall grade of A+ with one avatar that has answered over 100 questions.
Get an overall grade of A or higher with one avatar that has answered over 100 questions.
Get "Reference Checker" at the end of a game session 10 times. (Does not have to be in one single avatar)
Get "Independent Student" at the end of a game session 10 times. (Does not have to be in one single avatar)
Get "Head Bobbler" at the end of a game session.
Get "Unlucky" at the end of a game session.
Get all 8 Stage "Prodigy" Medals. (Does not have to be in one single avatar)
Reach 1st Grade in the Permanent Record.
Reach 2nd Grade in the Permanent Record.
Reach 3rd Grade in the Permanent Record.
Reach 4th Grade in the Permanent Record.
Reach 5th Grade in the Permanent Record.
Reach 6th Grade in the Permanent Record.