Lernen das zeitlose Klötzchenspiel kennen oder entdecke es wieder, und zwar in einer vollständig modernisierten Version! Natürlich feiern klassische Elemente des Franchise ihr Comeback, aber es gibt auch einen brandneuen Look, brandneue Regeln sowie neue Effekte, Boni und Features! Zum allererste...
Get a total of 20 wins (Eternal Battle)
Get a total of 10 wins (Eternal Battle)
Get a total of 7 wins (Eternal Battle)
Get a total of 5 wins (Eternal Battle)
Get a total of 3 wins (Eternal Battle)
Win a game (Eternal Battle)
Unlock all skins
Win a game without collecting a single Item-Capsule
Win a game by collecting all the Item-Capsules
Win a game without using a single Power Up (Eternal Battle)
Complete the Neo mode without using a continue
Complete the Mode (Neo)
Complete the Mode (Retro)
Win a game against one or more AI (Versus)
Keep the Combo Gauge full for 60 seconds
Destroy the Antimatter Space Wall first
Destroy the Yellow Magic Space Wall first
Destroy the explosive Space Wall first
Bounce the Energy Ball until it reaches its maximum speed
Keep at least 3 Energy Balls for 30 seconds
Destroy the Helpful
Confront DOH
Finish 25th