Das Spiel Autopsy Simulator ist ein Simulationsspiel mit Horrorelementen, in dem der Spieler Leichen untersuchen und, auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse, die Todesursache bestimmen muss.
Finish The Prologue.
Finish Chapter 1.
Finish Chapter 3.
Finish Chapter 5.
Cut open the first body.
Place a body in the fridge.
Use the UV lamp for the first time.
Read the journalist's note.
Clean up Jack’s apartment after a burglary.
Open the bag containing the headless body.
Check out what's in the fridge.
Get to the top floor of the building.
Get rid of the draft
Bring back the electricity
Confirm the identity of the deceased.
Examine at least 5 Alice-related items.
Use a voice recorder for the first time.
Find Alice’s wedding ring
Pump blood out of the abdominal cavity.