Die Worte, die jeder Reisende fürchtet, sie zu hören! Aber dieses Mal bist du nicht der Reisende, sondern der Inspektor. Klingt aufregend? Nein? Ah, wenn du nur wüsstest, was die Leute in ihre Taschen stecken! Jetzt kannst du es, in diesem lockeren, von VR unterstützten Arbeitssimulator.
Complete the initial orientation
Complete the entire first day of training
Complete the second day of training
Get through three days of the Redlandia scenario
Get through eight days of the Redlandia scenario
Get through thirteen days of the Redlandia scenario
Complete the entire Redlandia scenario
Bring back an artifact piece and arrange it on the board
Arrange five artifact pieces on the board
Arrange ten artifact pieces on the board
Arrange the entire artifact carving
Complete the entire Redlandia scenario with a perfect rating
Bring back an item other than the artifact piece
Learn to use the knife
Use the holo-projector to decode a suitcase lock
Learn to use the spray
Learn to use the sniffer
Successfully process 50 suitcases
Successfully process 100 suitcases
Successfully process 200 suitcases
Use the large baggage scanner on 20 suitcases
Use the holo-projector to unlock 20 suitcases
Use trial-and-error to unlock 20 suitcases
Steal… borrow 100 items from suitcases
Bring 5 pieces of decor back from the Redlandia workroom