Schottland, 1926. Der Freitod seines Vaters führt David Gordon zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben zum Stammhaus seiner Familie. Bald steht sein Leben auf dem Spiel, bedroht von dunklen Geheimnissen, die schon viele Gordons vor ihm den Verstand kosteten.
You have settled in your new home
You have met a mysterious boy
Margaret and Rosemary have found each other again
You successfully used the dumbwaiter
You have observed Eddie's toy chest
You have entered the hidden caves below the Castle
You have calmed yourself down after a stressful night
You have calmed yourself down three times
An invisible chasm traversed
You have entered the Vision in the Chapel
You have entered the Vision in the Glasshouse
You have lived through the Vision in the Cellar
You have entered the Vision in the Village
You have experienced the Vision in the Master Study
Chapter I completed
Chapter II completed
Chapter III completed
Chapter IV completed
Chapter V completed
You have enjoyed a wonderful Scottish breakfast
You have opened the library cabinet without leaving marks