Blade Prince Academy ist eine neue Art von taktischem RPG, in dem du dein Team von Klingenprinzen anführst, um die Stadt Abjectalia in pausierbaren Echtzeitkämpfen zu verteidigen. Vernichte Bedrohungen, doch bedenke: Ein Pakt mit der Dunkelheit fordert immer seinen Preis.
Finish the Tutorial
Obtain Gadhoo
Obtain Vekkio
Obtain Orchid
Obtain M'aki
Obtain Themios
Obtain Diamante
Obtain Anatonio
Obtain Zenesh
Enchant a Pact to Level 1
Enchant a Pact to Level 2
Enchant a Pact to Level 3
Upgrade the Laboratory to the maximum
Upgrade the Infirmary to the maximum
Upgrade the Altar to the maximum
Complete 10 missions with a Threat Level increased by 7
Participate to a Party
Participate to a max level Party
Win the Mega Jackpot in a Casino
Have a level 6 Pact or higher
Phoebos reach level 10
O'Ren reach level 10
Selena reach level 10
Gadhoo reach level 10
Vekkio reach level 10
Orchid reach level 10
M'aki reach level 10
Themios reach level 10
Diamante reach level 10
Anatonio reach level 10
Zenesh reach level 10
Kill an ally by accident
Perfom 3 combos in 5 seconds