In Blasphemous 2 begibt der Büßer sich erneut in den endlosen Kampf gegen das Mirakel und in eine gefahrvolle Welt voller Mysterien und Geheimnisse, die es zu lüften gilt. Bahne dir deinen Weg durch monströse Horden, die zwischen dir und deiner Bestimmung stehen, dem Zyklus ein Ende zu setzen.
Unlock all the Achievements.
Unlock Ending A.
Unlock Ending B.
Find all of the Prayers in the base game.
Find all of the Rosary Beads in the base game.
Find all of the Figures in the base game.
Reveal the entire base game's map.
Unlock all Bile Flasks.
Unlock all of the Rosary Bead slots.
Find all of the hidden symbols.
Free Próximo’s brothers.
Purchase all available items in the shop in the City of the Blessed Name.
Find all the hidden Cobijadas.
Bring every Remembrance to an artisan and turn them into Figures.
Complete all the battle challenges.
Lift the Curse of the Unforgiven.
Hear the echoes of the past.
Kill 300 enemies using Ruego Al Alba.
Kill 300 enemies using Sarmiento & Centella.
Kill 300 enemies using Veredicto.
Execute 50 different enemies.
Kill every type of enemy in the base game.
Reach the room of the Sentinel of the Emery in under 30 minutes.
After the first fight, defeat any boss without receiving damage.
Unlock the true power of Veredicto.
Unlock the true power of Sarmiento & Centella.
Unlock the true power of Ruego Al Alba.
Unlock all Weapon Memories.
Fall into spikes and survive.
Unlock all slots in the Altarpiece of Favours.
Deal more than 250 damage with a single strike.
Complete 100% of the game.
Unlock Ending C.
Reveal the entire map, including new areas.
Collect all items on an Ascended playthrough.