Kämpfe im Piraten Battle Royale "Blazing Sails" ums Überleben! Gestalte deinen eigenen Piraten und dein Schiff. Schließe dich mit anderen Spielern zusammen und befehlige dein mächtiges Segelschiff! Navigiere zu Land und zu Wasser um Ressourcen, Waffen und Schiff-Upgrades zu erbeuten.
Action / Arcade & IndieWelcome aboard, sailor!
Claim your first victory upon the seas.
Gather your crew for an adventure.
Find and open a treasure chest.
You best find some sea turtles, mate.
Discover the Trident of Poseidon.
Discover the Tropical Paradise.
Discover the Temple.
Customize your ship.
Customize your pirate.
Avenge your own death.
Claim a life while your ship is sinking.
Join two different crews in the same game.
Win a match while having the highest score.
Kill 2 pirates with a single cannon shot.
Now you walk like a duck, so talk like a duck.