Springen, vorpreschen, rutschen! Tauche mit Boti: Byteland Overclocked in ein klassisches 3D-Plattformer-Erlebnis ein. Erforsche zusammen mit Boti das Innere eines Computers und rette Byteland vor einer unheilvollen Bedrohung. Spiele alleine oder mit einem Freund in einem fesselnden Koop-Modus.
Complete Boti’s integration.
Complete level 1.
Complete level 2.
Complete level 3.
Complete level 4.
Complete level 5.
Complete level 6.
Complete level 7.
Complete ‘Boti: Byteland Overclocked’.
Release the workbots from their infinite loop in level 1.
Wake up three sleeping workbots in level 1.
Rescue all three missing cat-bots in level 2.
Experience the complete saga of the Wormcatcher.
Listen to all of Coulombot’s analyses.
Win all the sliding trophies.
Finish a level with a cat on your head.
Pull your friend with hooking.
Collect more than 9000 MB in one level.
Throw your co-op buddy to their deletion.
Slide without hitting even a single note.
Speak with every chatty bot in Byteland.
Purchase all Hub extensions.
Beat the game in co-op mode.
Finish a lap on your private track.
Unlock 5 skins
Unlock 15 skins.
Unlock 25 skins
Destroy 250 ZIP files.
Destroy 500 ZIP files.
Destroy 1000 ZIP files.
Find 5 Botcoins.
Find 30 Botcoins.
Find 45 Botcoins.
Collect 5 treasure chests.
Collect 25 treasure chests.
Collect 45 treasure chests.
Achieve 3 stars in one level.
Achieve 3 stars in three levels.
Achieve 3 stars in all levels.
Delete 10 worms.
Delete 100 worms.
Delete 250 worms.
Delete 10 guardbots.
Delete 100 guardbots.
Delete 250 guardbots.
Finish a level without respawning.
Finish all levels without respawning.
Jump into a rubbish bin.
Punch a sand castle.
Complete all levels without skipping a single cutscene.