„Begrabe mich, mein Schatz“ ist eine syrische Redewendung, die man zum Abschied verwendet. Grob übersetzt bedeutet sie: „Denke nicht einmal daran zu sterben, bevor ich es tue“. Eine tiefere Bedeutung erfährt diese idiomatische Wendung, wenn Majd sie seiner Frau auf ihre gefährliche Reise nach Eur...
Did you know Majd was afraid of all things medical?
Starting a march alone is good for making friends!
Visit Aleppo or Bulgaria
Visit Aleppo AND Bulgaria
Take the bus. Save a life. Be thanked.
Don't trek across Serbia alone
Italia is lovely at this time of the year
One day in Nizip, the next in Idomeni
The coolest of Byzantium's locals
What would a journalist be without a phone in Egypt?
Into the Woods in Hungary
And where did you think that delicious French cheese came from?
Torn apart by a Greek river
Long time no see, first time in Zaatari
He should be in London... if you ever get there
Some doctors don't really care about borders
He plants flowers among the ruins
Down a dark hole, at the doors of Europe
God save the Greek queen