Rase mit dem Monstertruck noch WÄHREND dein/e FreundIn die Straße vor dir baut. Achtung: Fährst du zu langsam EXPLODIERST du! Es ist so chaotisch, wie es sich anhört - vor allem im 4er-Split-Screen.
Play any game with 3 players
Play any game with 4 players
Explode your vehicle, and be revived
Explode your vehicle, and be revived ten times
Explode your vehicle, and be revived fifty times
Revive another driver
Revive ten drivers
Revive fifty drivers
Stay inside the danger zone for 30 seconds total
Play online. Once.
Play ten rounds in any mode.
Play a hundred rounds in any mode.
Pick up a holo
Pick up 25 holos
Pick up 100 holos
Crash into 100 cardboard box stacks
Customize your vehicle
Customize your vehicle with all slots filled
Customize your street
Unlock all vehicle paint jobs
Unlock all noses
Unlock all hats
Unlock all spoilers
Collect half of all customization items
Collect all customization items
Jump through 50 fire rings.
Place a tile under a falling driver, just in time, 10 times.
Get 50 Close Calls as the builder.
100 Close Calls. And, yeah we made three achievements just for that joke.
Rotate a Street tile before placing it.
Unlock all asphalts
Unlock all street tile paint jobs
Watch all tutorial videos, nerd.