Stelle dich den vier Reitern der Apokalypse in epischen Kartenschlachten! Cardaclysm ist ein prozedural generiertes Sammelkartenspiel mit Rollenspielelementen. Sammle Kreaturen- und Zauberkarten auf deiner Reise und entfessle ihre Macht, wenn sich dir jemand in den Weg stellt!
Complete the tutorial.
Kill a Healer before it flees.
Defeat Famine.
Defeat Pestilence.
Get the Mantle of Wrath.
Level up a creature to its max. level in the Book of Magic.
Reach the Pub for the first time.
Abandon a run and return to the Pub.
Deal 50 damage in a single turn.
Meet Death for the first time.
Win a run in challenge mode.
Win with 1 creature and less than 10 gold.
Own 30 cards.
Fill up the chest in the Pub completely.
Play 6 spells in a row during battle.
Own a card with 'Epic' rarity.
Kill three enemies in a single turn.
Enter a batte with four map bonuses.
Complete a nighttime map.
Complete the Poisonous Gardens once.
Complete a quest for the Huntress.
Win a battle with 3 identical cards in your deck.
Win a battle on your first turn.
Give a creature a total of +20 attack in a battle.
Redeem a card.
Own a max. level werewolf.
Kill a Werewolf Warmaster.
Accept a trade from the Artifact Trader.
Assemble the archeologist's pendant
Summon 5 Legionnaires in a battle.
Deal 18 damage to enemies with [Poison] in a battle.
Own 1000 tokens.
Defeat War.
Pick up the key after the boss has spawned.
Defeat the Infernal.
Use a Potion of Resurrection.
Summon a creature with Death allegiance.
Enter the Realm of Death.
Own a level 3 Shard card.
Defeat Death.