Cataclismo, von den Entwicklern von Moonlighter, ist ein Echtzeit-Strategiespiel, in dem du Stein für Stein Burgen baust und die Menschheit gegen Schwärme von Schrecken verteidigst. Entwirf Festungen, optimiere die Produktion, bilde Truppen aus, setze sie ein und triff taktische Entscheidungen.
Complete the opening level on any difficulty
Complete 'the Forest Garrison' on any difficulty
Complete 'Lost Pages' on any difficulty
Complete 'Downpour' on any difficulty
Complete 'the Defense of Hogar' on any difficulty
Complete 'Into the Depths' on any difficulty
Complete 'Memorial' on any difficulty
Complete the final level on any difficulty
Complete an optional defense level on any difficulty
Complete every optional defense level on any difficulty
Complete all campaign levels on Hard difficulty
Complete all campaign levels on Extreme difficulty
Complete all skirmish levels on any difficulty
Complete all skirmish levels on Extreme difficulty
Kill 5 Sirenas during campaign
Earn the highest Expedition rank during campaign
Discover a lost page from an ill-fated expedition
Discover all lost pages from Aura's expedition
Complete a city-building level on Hard without losing any units
Complete an optional defense level on Medium or higher without using Stone pieces
Complete a city-building level with at least one building of each type
Reach maximum Prosperity in a city-building level
Have 55 units at your command during a city-building level
Acquire one skill for Iris and one upgrade for the Citadel using the Book of Insight
Acquire all Citadel upgrades from the Book of Insight
Acquire all skills for Iris from the Book of Insight
Create and save a level in Creative Mode
Witness Iris return to the Citadel from the brink of death
Complete the campaign in less than 8 hours on any difficulty
Complete a city-building level without pausing