Citrouille ist eine moderne Variante alter Arcade-Klassiker. Stelle dich mutig allen Gefahren und bedecke die Spielwelt mit Blumen und magischen Leitern. Spielen Sie alleine, zusammen oder legen Sie die Punkte zusammen, um die Herausforderung der guten alten Zeit wieder zu entdecken.
Continue after a defeat
Finish a game in versus mode
What is this button for?
Hit the same ghost 10 times
Free all hearts during a single bonus level
Plant 15 flowers with Praline during a single spell in "Praline & Vanille" story
Kill 7 monsters with one Vanille spell in "Praline & Vanille" story
Finish normal mode with Praline in "Praline & Vanille" story
Finish normal mode with Vanille in "Praline & Vanille" story
In normal/arcade mode defeat the boss without dying in "Praline & Vanille" story
Use Vanille spell on your teammate
With Vanille plant 65 flowers in a single level in "Praline & Vanille" story
Finish arcade mode with Praline in "Praline & Vanille" story
Finish arcade mode with Vanille in "Praline & Vanille" story
Finish normal mode with Anis in "Anis & Reglisse" story
Finish normal mode with Reglisse in "Anis & Reglisse" story
Finish arcade mode with Anis in "Anis & Reglisse" story
Finish arcade mode with Reglisse in "Anis & Reglisse" story
Kill the cat queen with Reglisse's spell
Kill 5 chicks with Anis's spell