Jetzt wird aufgeräumt! Übernimm in der Open-World-Stadtwirtschaftssimulation CITYCONOMY zahlreiche Jobs einer Service-Firma und kümmere Dich um eine lebendige Metropole.
Complete 10 tasks of any kind
Complete 50 tasks of any kind
Complete 100 tasks of any kind
Complete 25 tasks as a Gardener
Complete 25 tasks as a Tow Truck Driver
Complete 25 tasks as Street Sweeper
Complete 25 tasks as a Plumber
Complete 25 tasks as a Garbage Man
Drive 100 km
Walk 50 km
Accumulate 100,000 euro
Accumulate 1,000 Citizen Satisfaction points
Unlock all Contracts
Own all types of Vehicles and buy all the Buildings
Buy a depot
Complete a task in Old Town
Complete a task in Business Center
Complete a task in Residential District
Complete a task in Industrial Park
Complete a task in Suburbia
Send an Employee on a task
Take out a loan
Repay a loan
Own 5 Vehicles
Unlock all skills