Die langersehnte Fortsetzung von „Clouds & Sheep“ ist da – die Schafe sind wieder los! Löse unzählige Quests voller Spaß und kümmere dich um die Bedürfnisse deiner flauschigen Freunde!
Touch 100 clouds!
Shear 100 sheep!
Get 10 sheep!
Let a single sheep jump 100 times on the trampoline!
Let a sheep do a full swing!
Try to hit a lamb with lightning bolts 10 times!
Toss 100 sheep!
Match a loving couple!
A sheep died and became a cloud!
Split 100 clouds!
Let 3 clouds rain at the same time!
Roll a sheep against a pinwheel!
Let your sheep eat 100 tufts of grass!
Give your sheep 10 hats!
Spend 100 balls of wool on painting sheep!
Equip a male black sheep with a pirate hat on Treasure Island!
Equip a male white sheep with a cowboy hat in the Prairie!
Let your sheep get struck by lightning 25 times!
Purchase 10 decorative objects!
Solve 100 quests!
Build 11 snowmen!
Build a snowman using two baby sheep snowballs!
Plant 100 conifers!
Find the Fountain of Youth!
Find 100 hidden Easter eggs!