Counter Terrorist Agency erlaubt es dir, gegen den internationalen Terrorismus zu kämpfen und Anschläge auf der ganzen Welt zu vereiteln. Nutze moderne Überwachungsmethoden, entdecke Verbindungen, verhöre Verdächtige, eliminiere Gefahren und löse terroristische Netzwerke auf.
Arcade & Indie / Simulation / StrategieArrest first suspect
Kill first suspect
Prevent first attack
Suspect's assigned role matches the real role
Reveal all group members
Uncover and analyse a dangerous group perfectly
Arrest innocent person
Kill non dangerous person
Perform successful interrogation.
Unlock first upgrade
Unlock all police upgrades
Unlock all special units upgrades
Unlock all drone upgrades
Unlock all wiretap upgrades
Unlock all hacking upgrades
Unlock all interrogation upgrades
Unlock all diplomacy upgrades
Unlock all lobbing upgrades
Unlock all PR upgrades
Unlock all upgrades
Finish the game
Number of countries in CTA reaches 40
World reputation reaches 100%