Crab God ist ein atmosphärisches Unterwasser-Strategiespiel. Führe deine Krabbenkolonie durch die Tiefen des Ozeans und verteidige das Ei des nächsten Krabbengottes, um in der realen Welt etwas zu bewirken, während du im Spiel vorankommst. Schlage Wellen, lobe die Klaue!
Survive your first enemy wave.
Build 50 walls or traps.
Grow 250 plants or corals.
Discover all organisms in the encyclopedia.
Complete a Stone of Preservation and make a real-world difference
Support 5 different Eco Rewards by completing Stones of Preservation.
Change Crabling roles 500 times.
Level up any Crabling to max level.
Complete a game run without any Crabling deaths.
Gather 10,000 units of food across all migrations.
Kill 500 threats across all migrations.
Acquire 20 different Ritual Stone blessings across all migrations.
Finish the game and witness the rise of a new Crab God
Complete a level by collecting exactly the right amount food (no more, no less).
Have your Crablings kill every type of threat in the game.
Upgrade 50 walls to max level.
Grow every type of plant and coral.
Lose a max level Crabling.
Sacrifice 100 Crablings to feed the rest.
Destroy 100 obstacles.
Have 12 Crablings in your colony at one time.
Find and open 50 treasures.
Survive 30 nights in one level.
Heal 2,000 Crabling health points across all migrations.
Complete a level within each biome.