Cranked Up ist ein schräges und herausforderndes Jump'n'Run-Spiel, in dem du Donuts mit Raketenantrieb steuerst und versuchst, die Welt vor einer bösen Pizza zu retten.
Dying once
Dying once in "Floor is Lava" mode
Dying 1,000 times
Dying 10,000 times
Dying 100 times in a level
Record a time
Beat his own time
Having a gold medal
Unlock "Floor is Lava"
Make a perfect jump
Make 3 perfect jumps
Complete Biome 1
Complete Biome 1 in "Floor is Lava" mode
Getting on the cabin
Jumping from the back of the church
Climb the office building
Score a goal
Score 3 different goals
Make a level with only one rocket
Reaching a speed of 30 m/s
Jump more than 50 meters long
Stay 5 seconds in the air
Complete Biome 2
Complete Biome 2 in "Floor is Lava" mode
Going up a cliff
Find the hidden oasis
Complete Biome 1 in "Challenge" difficulty
Complete Biome 1 in "Floor is Lava" mode and in "Challenge" difficulty
Complete Biome 2 in "Challenge" difficulty
Complete Biome 2 in "Floor is Lava" mode and in "Challenge" difficulty
Finish the game
Finish the game in "Challenge" difficulty
Finish the game in "Floor is Lava" mode
Finish the game in "Floor is Lava" mode and in "Challenge" difficulty
Finish all bonus levels
Finish all bonus levels in "Challenge" difficulty
Finish all bonus levels in "Floor is Lava" mode
Finish all bonus levels in "Floor is Lava" mode and in "Challenge" difficulty
Get all the sugar bottles
Unlock all donut species
Unlock all donut skins
Get a gold medal in each level