Dawn of Andromeda ist ein Echtzeit 4X Weltraumstrategiespiel mit Pause-Funktion und bringt mit seinen frischen Ideen viel Spaß, Spannung und leichte Zugänglichkeit in das Genre. Baue dein Imperium, kolonisiere neue Planeten, interagiere mit anderen Fraktionen und Charakteren, erforsche Technologi...
Achieve a Diplomatic Victory
Achieve an Ascendency Victory
Achieve a Sceptre of Kri Victory
Achieve an Economic Victory
Achieve a Domination Victory
Achieve a Survival Victory
Colonize a planet
Invade an enemy colony
Have a Council member reach level 5
Reach your first year in the game
Research the entire Technology Tree
Win a game in any victory condition in the Divine difficulty mode
Start your first war
Get 20 Influence
Have 3.0 Productivity in any colony
Finish the Stars and Beyond Era
Finish the The First Great War Era
Finish The Sython Domain Era
Finish the A Time for Peace Era
Finish the The Calm Before The Storm Era
Finish the The Second Great War Era
Finish the Towards a New Plane of Existence Era
Finish the A New Dawn Era
Destroyed a Space Creature
Win a game with the Terran Union
Win a game with the Kalzur Federation
Win a game with the Ynan Commonwealth
Win a game with the Orolith Confederation
Win a game with the Ulkar Republic
Win a game with the Sython Collective
Win a game with the Aethis Conglomerate
Win a game with the Drekkos Order
Have a unit reach Colonel rank
Mine a resource deposit
Survey an item of interest