DCL – The Game ist das offizielle Videospiel der Drone Champions League – dem weltweit führenden Wettbewerb für Drohnen-Rennteams. Fliege die Originalstrecken der DCL und erlebe Drohnenrennen wie ein professioneller Pilot. Schließe dich der Flugrevolution an!
Finish your first Time Attack with 1 Prop or more (+$100)
Finish your first Time Attack with Heavyweight (+$100)
Finish your first Time Attack with DCL19 (+$100)
Finish your first Time Attack with Lightweight (+$100)
Complete 10 Time Attacks (+$500)
Complete 50 Time Attacks (+$2,500)
Complete 500 Time Attacks (+$20,000)
Buy first drone skin (+$250)
Buy first trail (+$250)
Complete first Event (+$1,000)
Complete 5 Events (+$2,500)
Complete 10 Events (+$5,000)
Fly a drone for one hour (+$1,000)
Complete first Race Flow (+$250)
Complete 10 Race Flows (+$500)
Complete 25 Race Flows (+$1,000)
Complete 50 Race Flows (+$2,500)
Complete 100 Race Flows (+$10,000)
Earn 3 Props on 5 Laax courses with a single drone (+$1,000)
Earn 5 Props on 5 Laax courses with a single drone (+$10,000)
Earn 3 Props on 4 Reutte courses with a single drone (+$1,000)
Earn 5 Props on 4 Reutte courses with a single drone (+$10,000)
Earn 3 Props on 5 Oilbando courses with a single drone (+$1,000)
Earn 5 Props on 5 Oilbando courses with a single drone (+$10,000)
Earn 3 Props on 5 Proptown courses with a single drone (+$1,000)
Earn 5 Props on 5 Proptown courses with a single drone (+$10,000)
Own 20 drone skins (+$2,500)
Own 34 drone skins (+$10,000)
Own 15 trails (+$2,500)
Own 24 trails (+$10,000)
Earn $10,000 (+$0)
Earn $100,000 (+$0)
Fly a drone for 100 hours (+$20,000)
Unlock 24 tracks (+$5,000)
Get at least 1 Prop on 24 tracks with DCL19 Drone (+$5,000)
Get at least 1 Prop on 24 tracks with Heavyweight Drone (+$5,000)
Get at least 1 Prop on 24 tracks with Lightweight Drone (+$5,000)
Achieve 5 Props on 24 tracks (+$50,000)
Complete 100 Time Attacks (+$5,000)