Ein tödliches Virus breitet sich in Los Angeles aus und verwandelt die Einwohner in Zombies. Gebissen, infiziert, aber immun deckst du die Wahrheit hinter dem Epidemieausbruch auf und findest heraus, wer – oder was – du bist. Überlebe, entwickle dich weiter und werde zur Zombieschlächter-Ikone!
Complete 10 non-Story Quests.
Complete 20 non-Story Quests.
Complete 40 non-Story Quests.
Find your first Legendary Weapon.
Unlock every zombie type in the Zompedia.
Complete the first tier of every Zombie Challenge.
Complete the first tier of every Weapon Challenge.
Complete the first tier of every Combat Challenge.
Complete the first tier of every Survivor Challenge.
Complete the first tier of every Exploration Challenge.
Complete 5 Lost & Found Weapon Quests.
Complete all Lost & Found Missing Person Quests.
Unlock 10 Zombie Lockboxes.
Collect 50 Journals.
Collect 30 Skill Cards.
Reach level 30.
Slay 50 zombies with Fury Attacks.
Fully upgrade a Superior weapon and customize it with a mod or perk in every slot.
Slay 100 Zombies using Caustic, Fire, or Shock damage.
Maim 100 limbs.
Complete any 5 quests in co-op.
Revive other Slayers 5 times.
Slay 25 zombies using finishing moves.
Complete 5 Blueprint Challenges.
Throw a melee weapon and hit a zombie 35+ meters away.
Knock down 10 Apex Variants.
Perform 25 perfect defensive moves.
Send 15 zombies to their doom in the bottomless pits.
Get five headshots with the Crossbow in quick succession.
Ram into 5 zombies in a single charge
Slay 5 zombies with a supercharged Ripper, and bisect 5 more with a Sawblade Launcher
Complete all Story Quests in NG+. No actual groundhogs were harmed in the completion of this.