Deepest Chamber ist ein Kartenaufbauspiel mit Roguelike-Elementen, das in einer Fantasiewelt spielt, in der auf Schritt und Tritt Gefahren lauern. Behalte deine Karten gut im Griff, wenn du auf Scharen von kampferprobten Gegnern triffst, die vor nichts zurückschrecken, um deine unterirdische Beha...
Defeat an elite enemy.
Descend to the second depth.
Boost 10 cards.
Have 250 gold.
Heroes get resurrected after death.
Complete a run without using a retry charge.
Defeat the Smith.
Defeat the Queen.
Defeat King Parten.
Defeat the Lurker.
Defeat Rumm.
Defeat Camaz.
Defeat the Keeper.
Play 20 cards in a single turn.
Reflect a reflected attack.
Make an enemy defeat itself.
Brew 5 potions.
Have 8 energy in a single turn.
Have 6 flurry in a single turn.
Have 300% rage.
Have 100 poison on a single enemy.
Have 300 corruption on a single enemy.
Feed a companion 30 times in a single combat.
Win a run.
Win a run on difficulty 3.
Win a run on difficulty 5.
Shrink Prince Lorien.
Defeat an end boss in the 1st round.
Have all achievements.
Unlock the catacombs.
Kill an enemy with the toad.
Win a run on difficulty 10.
Gain the key to the secret crypt.
Banish Samael.
Defeat Baruch.
Defeat Lorien.
Deal over 1000 damage.
Have 100 spikes.
Defeat Samael in a death march run.
Have 8 skeletons next to Monstro.
Win a run with a random party.