Definitely Not Fried Chicken ist ein Business-Management-Simulator der etwas anderen Art! Baue dein Drogengeschäft hinter einer legalen Fassade auf und kümmere dich um beide Seiten des Unternehmens. Erlange neue „Aufträge“, triff neue Kunden, entwickle hochwertigere Drogen, verdiene jede Menge G...
Make your first Bomb.
Make your first Basic Cannabis.
Make your first Toasted Cannabis.
Make your first Amazonian Cannabis.
Make your first Cloudy Meth.
Make your first Clear Meth.
Make your first Moon Meth.
Make your first Crack Cocaine.
Make your first Pure Cocaine.
Make your first Flaming Cocaine.
Purchase the Laundromat license.
Purchase the Chicken Shop license.
Purchase the Donut Shop license.
Purchase the Lobster Restaurant license.
Purchase the Nightclub license.
Purchase the Casino license.
Unlock the Construction Site.
Unlock the Pawn Shop.
Unlock the Hotline.
Unlock the Legislation Office.
Unlock the Gym.
Unlock the Billboards.
Complete the Nun order.
Complete the Devil order.
Complete the Factory Worker order.
Complete the Robot order.
Make your first Chicken Burger.
Make your first Chicken Nuggets.
Make your first Chicken Pieces.
Make your first Chicken Fries.
Make your first Chicken Soda.
Make your first Donut.
Make your first Chocolate Donut.
Make your first Glazed Donut.
Make your first Sprinkled Donut.
Make your first Donut Soda.
Make your first Crab.
Make your first Fish.
Make your first Lobster Food.
Make your first Lobster Fries.
Make your first Lobster.
Make your first Lobster Salad.
Make your first Lobster drink.
Sell your first Detergent.
Generate 100 dollars.
Generate 1000 dollars.
Generate 10,000 dollars.
Generate 100,000 dollars.
Generate 1,000,000 dollars.
Make a character wet themself.
Make a character sick.
Make a character burn.
Take care of the Major.
Complete the Chicken Shop tutorial.
Complete the tutorial.