Befähige dich magischer Würfel, baue ein Team aus mächtigen Chimären auf um die geheimnisvolle böse Macht in diesem taktischen Roguelite-Abenteuer zu stoppen.Als Chimärenbeschwörerin rekrutierst du mythische Bestien ins perfekte Team, und führst es mit einer einzigartigen Würfelmechanik zum Sieg.
Defeat Strizzly.
Defeat Koshmora.
Defeat Gargullet.
Defeat Karappa.
Defeat Exog & Exol.
Defeat Arborichi.
Defeat Galvirin.
Defeat Gorcelot.
Defeat Mukadon.
Defeat Dralcapel.
Defeat Salem.
Bring the warrior talisman to Salem's door.
Bring the storm talisman to Salem's door.
Bring the wrath talisman to Salem's door.
Bring the pain talisman to Salem's door.
Bring the chaos talisman to Salem's door.
Unlock trial mode.
Complete the last level of trial mode.
Discover all chimeras entries in the compendium.
Discover all equipment entries in the compendium.
Discover all actions entries in the compendium.
Discover all archive entries in the compendium.
Discover all entries in the compendium.
Unlock all achievements.
Reach Salem's door without recruiting any chimera.
Reach Salem's door in under 30 minutes.
Reach Salem's door without buying anything from the merchant.
Reach Salem's door without buying anything from the diesmith.
Reach Salem's door without a single empty equipment slot on chimeras and inventory.
Reach Salem's door by only recruiting the chimera from the first visited shrine in each world.
Reach Salem's door without losing an ally in battle.
Discover an iridescent chimera.
Recruit a chimera from the scrollmaster.
Break a piece of equipment.
Have one of your chimera faint.
Equip a cursed item to a chimera.
Inflict 50 damage or more in a single hit.
Attack 6 times or more in a single turn.
Rotate 4 times or more in a single turn.