Fliegt im neuen und innovativen Sci-Fi-Egoshooter Disintegration ein bis zum Anschlag bewaffnetes Gravehikel. Befehligt eure Bodentruppen und kämpft euch so durch eine spannende Einzelspielerkampagne.
Complete the training mission.
Socket a chip on a crew member.
Complete a round of multiplayer.
Craft a custom badge.
Customize a multiplayer crew.
Complete an optional campaign objective.
Use scan mode to identify 10 items.
Collect 1000 or more salvage in the campaign.
Complete a multiplayer challenge.
Get 20 kills using direct targeting in campaign.
Complete the Mountain chapter of the campaign.
Complete the Urban chapter of the campaign.
Complete the Desert chapter of the campaign.
Complete the Iceland chapter of the campaign.
Stagger 20 enemies with concussion grenades.
Use your slow field on 20 enemies.
Destroy 20 enemies with the mortar strike ability.
Destroy 20 enemies with the ground slam ability.
Level up your crew to level 10.
Complete all of the Mountain campaign chapter challenges.
Complete all of the Urban campaign chapter challenges.
Complete all of the Desert campaign chapter challenges.
Complete all of the Iceland campaign chapter challenges.
Complete all campaign missions on Recruit difficulty or higher.
Complete all campaign challenges.
Find all bonus salvage containers in the campaign.
Full upgrade every crew member with chips.
Complete any mission on Outlaw difficulty.
Complete all other Achievement requirements.
Defeat an enemy Gravcycle.
Deal 20,000 damage in a mission.
Repair 10,000 damage in a mission.
Defeat an enemy Thunderhead.