Don Duality ist ein Chaos-Managementspiel mit Kartenmechaniken. Schicke deine Gangster auf Raubzüge und wasche das Geld in deinem Restaurant. Baue dein Lokal aus und stelle Personal dafür ein, aber vergiss nicht, dass das Leben ein Roulettespiel ist und sich nicht alles auf kontrollieren lässt.
Restart the game after losing
Survive for 15 days straight
Win 5 lawsuits
Launder $500 within a day
Purchase all cards from Don's deck
Hire 5 gangsters
Complete 10 gangster tasks within a day
Purchase all upgrades for the gangsters' hideout
Earn $5,000 through illegal means
Use the Don's card
Watch all stories in the album
Save $100,000 in an offshore account
Purchase all upgrades for the restaurant and kitchen
Provide top service for 15 patrons within a day
Purchase all tables for the restaurant
Earn $5,000 through legal means
Successfully cater for a VIP patron
Hire all waiters and cooks
Avoid activating any event cards during the entire playthrough
Take over all districts on the map
Engage in shootouts with every competing gang