Inmitten schlafraubender Alpträume stürzt du dich in den Abyss, um dir dein Leben zurückzuholen, das du durch einen Deal mit dem Teufel selbst zerstört hast.
Completed [Nightmare] EASY
Completed [Nightmare] NORMAL
Completed [Nightmare] EXPERT
Completed [Nightmare] HARD
Completed [Nightmare] HELL
Completed [Survival]
Completed [Hunt]
Completed [Excavation] EASY
Completed [Excavation] NORMAL
Completed [Excavation] EXPERT
Completed [Excavation] HARD
Completed [Excavation] HELL
Logged in 14 times.
Completed [Nightmare]
Completed [Fate]
Completed [Excavation]
Acquired 10,000,000 gold
Attempted to enhance 500 times
Attempted to dismantle 100 times
Attempted crafting 500 times
Opened 500 「Sealed chests」
Acquired 50 「Relics」