DreadEye VR Steam Key

DreadEye VR

DreadEye ist ein Virtual-Reality-Erlebnis, das dich in die Rolle eines indonesischen Schamanen schlüpfen lässt. Tauche ein in erschreckende Erlebnisse im verwunschenen ländlichen Indonesien und entdecke die grausamen Schrecken, die in den Schatten lauern!

Windows PC  Adventure / Arcade & Indie / Virtual Reality
6,59€ -10% 5,93€ Zur Shop-Seite

16 Steam Achievements

Linda loves you!
Linda loves you!

Welcomes the dread
Welcomes the dread

Embrace the dread
Embrace the dread

Commune with the dread
Commune with the dread

Survives the dread
Survives the dread

Finish the game

Developers hint
Developers hint

By the book
By the book

Step by step ritual

Book of the dread
Book of the dread

Uncover hidden ghostpedia

Sharp eyes
Sharp eyes

Encounter 5 hidden ghosts


Never use reset ever

FPS veteran
FPS veteran

Never get hit in shooting level

Genie in the bottle
Genie in the bottle

Revisit the nightmare

I'll text you later
I'll text you later

Ignoring all phone calls

Mad scientist
Mad scientist

Only do this in VR
Only do this in VR

Turn off the candles using bare hand

Survival horror
Survival horror

Using the lighter to illuminate ghost

  • Single-Player
  • Steam Achievements
  • Steam Trading Cards
  • Steam Cloud