Dungeon Rushers ist ein skurriles Taktik-RPG in 2D mit rundenbasiertem Gameplay. In diesem Dungeon-Crawler stellst du dein eigenes Team zusammen, plünderst staubige Verliese, plättest Armeen fieser Monster und schraubst mächtige Ausrüstung zusammen.
Explore 10 dungeons with success
Explore 25 dungeons with success
Explore 100 dungeons with success
Scout the map 50 times
Craft 5 items
Craft 20 items
Craft 100 items
Concoct 50 potions
Inspect 10 events
Inspect 25 events
Inspect 100 events
Avoid 25 fights by using Bait
Detect 25 traps
Finish the 5 floors of a manor
Unlock 10 characters
Defeat Melinda
Obtain a Vampire Dagger
Get every character to level 10
Finish the campaign
Share a dungeon on the Workshop
Win 20 matches in the arena
Gamble 30 times in the shop
Gather 10 000 gold
Reach the Platinum league rank
Finish every heroic dungeon