Starte ein neues Leben in Honeywood! Baue im gemütlichen Bauernhof-Simulator eine Gemeinschaft für Generationen auf. Betreibe Landwirtschaft, knüpfe Kontakte, finde Freunde, koche, baue, sammle und lüfte die Geheimnisse der Insel! Und zu Freundschaften gibt es auch Alternativen …
Pet every type of animal once.
Catch 10 different fish.
Upgrade your house.
Carry 10k gold.
Adopt a dog.
Get first place at the baking event.
Catch every fish.
Fully upgrade your house.
Cook every recipe.
Grow and harvest every crop.
Achieve the highest friendship level with 50 villagers in a single game.
Play for a full year.
Have a child.
Get the best outcome in every festival event.
Earn over 100,000 coins from selling.
Spend a night outside without returning to your farm.
Propose and get married.
Learn 30 crafted blueprints.
Achieve the maximum levels in all skills.
Dye 5 items of clothing.
Craft all dye colors.
Have every type of farm animal at least once.
Produce and collect milk, cheese, and butter.
Butcher a farm animal for the first time.
Discover and mine a jewel.
Sign for your new farm with the mayor.
Pay your taxes for the first time.
Adopt a cat.
Make an enemy.
Complete the spring season.
Complete the summer season.
Complete the autumn season.