Filament ist ein entspanntes Knobelspiel mit umfangreicher Hintergrundgeschichte, bei dem es darum geht, Rätsel mit Kabeln zu lösen und dabei ein scheinbar verlassenes Raumschiff zu erkunden.
Successfully board The Alabaster.
Find your way into the cryosleep room.
Complete all of the basic puzzles.
Complete all of the anti-pillar puzzles.
Complete all of the requisite puzzles.
Complete all of the paired-pillar puzzles.
Read through a crew member's messages.
Access a corrupted log.
Complete all archway pillar puzzles.
Complete all of the binary pillar puzzles.
Complete all of the colour mixing puzzles.
Complete all of the constellation pillar puzzles.
Complete all of the jigsaw puzzles.
Complete all of the multiple robot puzzles.
Complete all of the instruction puzzles.
Complete all of the pad puzzles.
Complete all of the wrap pillar puzzles.
Complete all of the Yin Yang puzzles.
Complete all of the height pillar puzzles.
Unlock the cockpit.
Complete all puzzles in the bridge.
Enter the bridge.
Access all corrupted logs.
Find all crew ID cards.
Find all cards.
Read through all of the crew member's messages.
Solve every puzzle in the game.
See the TFC logo perfectly hit the corner of a screen.
It must mean something.