Kämpfe allein oder in einer Gruppe aus 4 Spielern gegen die tyrannische Königin von Fahrul in der Fortsetzung von For The King, dem beliebten rundenbasierten Roguelite-Tabletop-Rollenspiel. Kannst du das schreckliche Geheimnis der einst bei allen beliebten Königin lüften?
Collect 100 items from loot drops.
Rescue a mercenary from a Merc Caravan.
Clear the Guardhouse.
Kill 1000 enemies.
Kill 300 skellys.
Use a Teleport Scroll 10 times.
Revive a party member.
Make it safely through the cellar.
Make it safely through the sewers.
Find Captain Johnsgrave's Lost Ship.
Kill the Kraken.
Hire 10 mercenaries from merc guilds.
Use 10 Portal Scrolls.
Visit all three resistance members in The Royal Mines.
Max out a party member to level 9.
First party wipe.
Defeat Lucky and seal Lucky's Vault.
Defeat Graveborne and seal the Mausoleum.
Defeat the Bandit King and seal the Bandit Stronghold.
Defeat Warden Fraybee and seal the Desecrated Church.
Defeat the Hangman and seal the Hangman's Gallows.
Defeat the Disciple and seal the Temple of Darkness.
Defeat Bogdrinker and seal Shaman's Hollow.
Clear three towns under siege.
Visit the Dark Carnival for the first time.
Spend 20 loadout points in one adventure.
Complete 30 Town Quests.
Devote to 15 Stone Heroes.
Devote to 50 Stone Heroes.
Consume 20 candies.
Consume 50 herbs.
Rescue Boney Boogey from the Merc Caravan.
Rescue Toadslayer from the Merc Caravan.
Rescue Terratrout from the Merc Caravan.
Rescue Grimshaw from the Merc Caravan.
Rescue Sunderbone from the Merc Caravan.
Rescue Johnsgrave from the Merc Caravan.
Claim your first landboat.
Break a weapon.
Summon 10 enemies to fight alongside you.
Your party has been shipwrecked.
Kill 20 enemies with firearms.
Make your first Lore Store purchase.
Make 20 Lore Store purchases.
Make 50 Lore Store purchases.