Yo Joe! Cobra ist zurück und hat ihren bisher teuflischsten Plan ausgeheckt, also muss G.I. JOE sie mal wieder besiegen! Wähle einen der echt amerikanischen Helden und ihre Ausrüstung, und ab geht’s in diesen Retro-Side-Scrolling Beat ’em Up – schlage Cobra erneut in den RÜCKZUG!
Complete the first level.
Complete "A Sky Full of Snakes" in under 3 minutes.
Complete "The Adder's Abyss" without taking any damage.
Complete "Reign of Cobra" in under 3 minutes.
Complete "World in a Bottle" in under 3 minutes.
Complete "Promisssse Me the Moon" without taking any damage.
Unlock all achievements in the game.
Complete "Madness in the Mountains" without taking damage.
Complete "Assault from Above" without dying.
Complete "A Snake in the Grass" without dying.
Complete "Cobra World Order" without dying.
Complete the game on the normal difficulty.
Complete the game on the hard difficulty.
Complete the game on the hardest difficulty.