Der Nachhauseweg von der Schule wird heute gruseliger als gewohnt ... Deine verschlafene Nachbarschaft wurde von Monstern überrannt! Werwölfe streifen durch die Wälder, Gnome graben sich durch die Erde und Vogelscheuchen wandeln um Mitternacht über die Straßen. Allerdings handelt
Collect the cell phone from your school locker.
Find a way past the strange man in the woods.
Complete Area 1 and return home.
Evict an elderly intruder.
See to the needs of the 3 unexpected guests.
Face what lies beneath the sink... and survive!
Access the mysterious dimension from every possible angle.
Disable a deadly toy bent on destruction.
Solve a compression problem to reach the attic.
Look into an antique mirror and do some self reflection.
Convince your brother to give you a ride across town.
Find a way inside the Mall.
Survive a power outage with gnome complications.
Recreate a crime scene to get security off your scent.
Correctly answer a riddle as if your life depended on it.
Have your life ended in 10 unique ways.
Survive the game to completion.
Take a photograph using the Haunted Camera.
Complete the game without ever using the cell phone.
Charge your cell phone.
Complete the game after draining your phone to 0% battery.
Intimidate a very deadly creature.
Grab every item you possibly can.
Tell Aunt Dahlia about your weekend plans.
Discover Slappy's secret shame.