Lass deine eigenen Welten wachsen! Sieh zu, wie deine Handlungen die Welt beeinflussen und den Evertree wieder zum Leben erwecken. Erlebe eine atemberaubende Sandbox-Umgebung, in der du Welten und Lebewesen erschaffen und Abenteuer erleben kannst.
First Accident World Seed created
Talk to 20 villagers
Inspect 20 villagers
Unlock Book
Assign first villager to a house
Complete a relationship character to the "Friend Ending"
Turn 100 items into Essences
Build 20 buildings
Befriend 5 critters
Complete first district requests
Walk 500 miles
Walk a total of 1,000 miles
Unlock the Plains District
Unlock the Forest Region
Unlock the River Precinct
Unlock the Valley Province
Unlock the Mountainside Ward
Unlock all building blueprints
Create a Perfect World Seed for each World type
Use the Watering Can on a bed
Kick around items in the Gnome House
Have 10 residents leave town