Schnapp dir deine Schere und beginne deine Reise in die verrückte Welt der Haare! Verdiene Geld, um deinen Salon zu vergrößern und Mitarbeiter einzustellen. Verbessere deine Qualifikationen und werde Friseurmeister!
Complete the first day.
Hire an assistant.
Pass all the courses.
Purchase Hairry.
Buy all the salons.
Discover the full story of each guest.
Serve 100 clients.
Run your business in the game for 100 days.
Paint the ceiling, the floor as well as each wall part to a unique color.
Use a hairdryer or spray bottle to make the customer leave the premises.
Have more than 20 pieces of furniture in one salon, other than washbasins, styling chairs, or mirrors.
Enter the sandbox with a created character.